The Health and Social Care BSc (Hons) degree is designed to help you develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to start a professional career in the health and social care sector. The programme is aligned to the standards specified by Skills for Health (the Skills Council for the NHS) and upon completion of the course, you’ll be able to demonstrate to prospective employers that your advanced skills conform to the National Occupational Standards (NOS).

This course explicitly supports the development of your academic skills as well as equipping you with the personal and professional skills necessary not only for your studies but also for successful engagement with graduate-level opportunities in the workplace.

The course is also fully accredited by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), so if you choose to specialise in housing you’ll receive free student membership of the CIH.

This course is delivered as part of a partnership between QA Higher Education and London Metropolitan University. The programme is validated by the University and delivered by QA Higher Education.

What Will I Study?

Each year of the course identifies a particular stage of student development. Beginning in year one as The Inquiring Student, the second year casts students as Emerging Practitioners before students become Effective Graduates by the end of the course.

Extended induction periods at the beginning of key modules in Years One and Three support student achievement through greater orientation to course requirements and the establishment of student learning syndicates, developing group cohesion and a sense of community. Two further key aspects of course design supporting achievement are the Personal and Professional Development (PDP) and Academic Skills & Literacy (ALS) modules delivered in each year.

The Personal and Professional Development modules also contribute to the development of student employability. Self-management and empowering activities within these modules develop the values and skills necessary to work effectively in models of service delivery that are themselves empowering.

How Will I Be Taught and Assessed?

You will be taught through a variety of teaching methods – a mix of lectures, seminars, workshops and observation/field trips.

You’ll be assessed through group work, coursework, presentations and podcasts. All modules on the course will be assessed in English.

Blended Learning

We’re focused on a digital future and your degree plays an important part in preparing for this, helping you to achieve your employability goals and life ambitions.

We want to equip you with the key skills you need, enhancing your employability and preparing you for the next steps in your career. Blended working is now a permanent feature for many businesses globally and the experience you will gain by studying through a blended learning model will help you prepare for this, building your confidence ready for success in the digital workplace.

The number of live contact hours that you have with your lecturers remains the same:

  • You will have timetabled sessions delivered face-to-face on-campus, building relationships and engaging with your student community
  • You will have timetabled live online sessions that will allow you to participate and ask questions throughout the session
  • Support services can be accessed remotely and your campus is open so you can book in and use campus facilities and services face-to-face at a time that works for you, either on your timetabled on-campus days or outside these times

Our blended approach offers the best of both live online and on-campus learning opportunities, and your blended timetables will typically follow one of the below:
Daytime students – If you are a daytime student, you will typically have 2 days of tuition per week – your sessions will be on-campus for 1 of those days and the other day will take place live online.

Evening and weekend students – Evening and weekend blended timetables will typically follow one of the below patterns each week:

  • 2 evenings live online and 1 weekend day face-to-face on-campus, or
  • 2 evenings face-to-face on-campus and 1 weekend day live online

Please note that the blended timetable pattern will be decided by the scheduling team.

Visit our blended learning page for further information.

Evening and Weekend Study

One of our study options available for UK nationals includes evenings and weekends.

This study option offers exactly the same levels of student support and the ability to balance your full-time studies with your personal life.

All modules are core and are worth 15 credits unless specified.

Year 1

This module aims to introduce students to contemporary contexts of healthcare and social care whilst investigating current understanding of health and wellbeing and its application to the organisation and delivery of health and social care.

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Understand different health and social care approaches and provisions
  • Identify health and social care issues within a specific population
  • Describe selected health and social care policies

Identify the social determinants of health and the relationship to health inequalities

This module considers issues of culture, society and ethics and their implications for professional contexts in health and social care. Current policy, professional frameworks and legislation relating to identity, diversity, rights and inequality will be examined. The professional role in challenging inequalities and implementing ethical and anti-oppressive practice will be explored. Students will reflect on their own identities and experiences and will keep a reflective journal throughout the module

The module seeks to provide learners with opportunities for development and reflection over key skills and issues in effective practice. It applies a combination of student engagement and active learning with theoretical concepts, principles and case studies to enable to critically evaluate communication and practice skills in the context of health and social care.

This module aims to:

  • Develop the ability to communicate effectively and professionally
  • Develop key skills in teamwork and problem solving
  • Promote understanding of key values and ethical principles in health and social care
  • Develop self-awareness and self-reflection in relation to key issues in health and social care

Develop ability for evaluation, analysis and critical thinking through the use of case studies and problem-based learning

This module begins by asking the students “what do we mean by knowledge” in the context of health and social care and goes on to explore answers to this question. A key purpose of the module is to help students locate the concepts of evidence and research within a broader understanding of the importance of evidence-based practice but also to introduce students to the contested and contentious nature of what we mean by knowledge.

This module aims to:

  • Develop students’ personal and professional development skills and competencies for effective interpersonal and professional relationships.
  • Develop students’ knowledge and skills for effective interpersonal and professional communication
  • Enable students to develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence for effective practice with service users and carers
  • Develop the knowledge and skills for effective reflective practitioners
  • Develop students’ ability to use reflective techniques in relation to work with individuals and groups in the health and social care settings.

The module is an academic skills module, which serves to develop key academic skills in first-year students. Its main focus is developing students’ skills in identifying, understanding, and presenting literature, data and information.

This module aims to:

  • Develop key skills essential to all years of higher education, including researching, reading, writing, referencing, and critical thinking
  • Develop the ability to effectively read and comprehend academic literature
  • Develop the ability to present academic literature, both written and verbally
  • Develop an understanding of the quality and validity of different sources of information
  • Provide opportunities for self-development and reflection

Year 2

This module aims to:

  • Develop an understanding of the Public Health discipline
  • Develop understanding and knowledge of population health data and the skills to interpret this data
  • Provide a social science-based contextual and critical understanding of the impact of the social determinants of health on population health outcomes
  • Develop an understanding and knowledge of population health issues and how to take an evidence-based approach to tackle these issues

On completion of this module students will be able to:

  • Explain and discuss the three pillars of Public Health being Health Protection, Healthcare Public Health, and Health Promotion
  • Understand and discuss the determinants of health
  • Interpret and explain population health data
  • Take an evidence-based approach to public health decisions
  • Think critically about contemporary issues in public health

This module introduces students to both ethics and research through an exploration of principles, theories, and practices that inform decision making in professional contexts. It is taught in two interconnected parts.

In Part 1, students will study ethics using sector-specific professional codes of ethical conduct and will examine underlying normative ethical theories as they are represented within such codes. Current ethical debates for professional practice will be considered, providing opportunities for the critical application of different ethical perspectives to a range of contemporary moral issues and situations in professional contexts.

In Part 2, students will be introduced to ethical research processes & research knowledge and skills relevant to professional and academic development. These research principles will provide a foundation for understanding approaches to social research and evidence-based practice and research design.

This module aims to enable students to:

  • Apply prior knowledge and relate specific knowledge and skills to real-life situations in a work environment
  • Develop new capabilities and skills relating to employment
  • Engage in career development planning
  • Undertake a work-based placement

The module is structured in two distinct stages in order to enhance student employability. During the Autumn semester, students will engage with a number of activities, both in seminars and individually, designed to help clarify career goals and identify personal and professional developmental needs associated with these goals.

Following on from this, students will be expected to undertake a placement during which they will be able to focus on specific learning needs identified through the learning activities from the seminars.

This module provides an introduction to sociological perspectives of health, illness and society often referred to as medical sociology. A sociological perspective provides a number of challenges to straightforward bio-medical approaches to health and illness. It asks questions about how health and illness conditions are defined, measured and treated in society as well as the implications for society and individuals. It also explores the wider power structures that are implicated in health and illness which forms the basis for applied learning and problem-solving in areas which students will confront as social professionals. Through exploring a range of topics at the interface of health, illness and society, students are encouraged to think critically about them through contemporary case studies.

Module Aims:

  • To explore a social science approach to health, illness and society
  • To examine contrasting perspectives on health and illness experiences, such as professional and service-user/lay perspectives
  • To consider the role of social factors in the distribution of illness

To develop critical thinking and analysis on contemporary health issues

This module aims to enable students to:

  • Apply prior knowledge and relate specific knowledge and skills to situations in relevant work environments
  • Develop new capabilities and skills relating to teamwork
  • Engage in personal and professional development planning

This module builds on knowledge and skills acquired in the first year of the course and specifically on the intra- and inter-personal skills acquired in Personal & Professional Development; self-management. In this, the second of three PPD modules in the course, students will expand their understanding of themselves to encompass their roles within teams within the health and social care workforce and the importance of appropriate communication in this context. Throughout the module, emphasis will be placed on service users and carers as key members of any team.

As well as examining theoretical aspects of teamwork, students will draw on their own experience of teamwork [for example, in their learning syndicates] to consider the stages of team development and how conflict and disagreement can be resolved within teams. In preparation for the final PPD module in the third year, students will begin to explore the role of followership within teams and its relationship to leadership.

This module builds on knowledge and skills acquired in the first year of the course and specifically on the academic skills acquired in Academic skills/literacy: finding & presenting the information. In this, the second of three academic skills and literacy modules in the course, students will extend their academic literacy and skills to encompass obtaining increasingly specialised sources, identifying key aspects of information, establishing validity and processing information to create an argument.

On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

  1. Undertake research to provide new information and detailed knowledge of well-established theories and concepts
  2. Utilise a range of approaches to analyse information collected
  3. Utilise a range of approaches to evaluate the relevance and significance of information collected
  4. Collect and synthesise information to inform a choice of solutions to problems

Demonstrate an awareness of the contested nature of knowledge within health and social care

Year 3

This module builds on work done previously in the first year in Introduction to Health & Social Care; concepts of health & well-being and during the second year as part of Advancing the Health of the population: Understanding Public Health. This module aims to enable students to use and build on the knowledge and understanding gained in these modules to analyse and critically evaluate current and emerging responses to key challenges facing the health and social care sector. The modules, therefore, aims to:

  • Provide a critical understanding of the emerging issues in contemporary health and social care at both policy and practice levels.
  • Consider the relationship between the social determinants of health and policy and practice responses to health and social care issues
  • Critically examine implicit theoretical perspectives underpinning key approaches to tackling health inequalities.
  • Develop an understanding of a range of theoretical perspectives related to health creation and initiatives to tackle health inequalities; social prescribing, asset-based approaches, community development.
  • Consider the practical and ethical implications for the health and social workforce of current and emerging responses to a range of issues

This module draws together strands from a number of modules students have previously undertaken and are concurrently studying. Principally, this builds on students’ understanding of the nature of knowledge and evidence in health and social care contexts derived from Introduction to Knowledge and Inquiry in Health & Social Care in the first year and on the more specific focus on research in Ethical Research & Practice in the second year. The specific focus of the work carried out by individual students as part of this module will also be informed by their broader examination of health and social care issues in other modules across the course as a whole.

The module focuses on the student’s personal and professional development in preparation for graduation from the Course. There is particular emphasis on the development of graduate skills and competencies with a focus on the management and leadership of others. Emergent graduate skills are developed to prepare the student for professional practice and/or further studies.

This module aims to enable students to further apply prior knowledge and relate specific knowledge and skills to continuing development of academic literacy and skills

This module builds on knowledge and skills acquired in the first and second years of the course and specifically on the academic skills acquired in Academic skills/literacy: finding & presenting information and Academic skills/literacy: Developing critical thinking. In this, the last of three academic skills and literacy modules in the course, students will extend their academic literacy and skills to enable them to produce work appropriate to this academic level with specific emphasis on the standard of work required by the Project.

Students will pick two from four optional modules

The module examines the history of housing policy in the UK, focussing in particular on the shift to neo-liberal housing policies from the 1980s. Key contemporary housing issues and the key causes of the current housing crisis in London and the UK are examined.

This module provides opportunities for students to develop their understanding of key issues in mental health practice and policy, as well as critically discuss relevant theoretical and conceptual issues relating to mental health.

The module aims to:

  • Develop an understanding of key concepts in mental health and well-being
  • Develop awareness of mental health diagnoses and implications of these to the individual, health services, and wider society
  • Develop knowledge of key policy and practice issues in mental health through

Provide opportunities to critically evaluate and reflect upon models and theories of mental health and well-being

This module aims to give students an opportunity to critically study the interconnectedness of key challenges of human development and human health and healthcare across nations within global contexts. It will provide content that will help students understand the key global challenges that affect human health and healthcare and cause health inequalities and inequities across the nations. The Module will also provide an opportunity to study key global actors and global interventions to improve human health of all people across nations and promote health equities. This will require students to critique global co-operation and partnership in fighting key challenges of global human health and healthcare.

Therefore, the Module aims are to:

  • develop and produce graduates with global citizenship attributes by embedding the notion of “think globally and act locally” (think globally for local actions) in its curriculum
  • develop a critical knowledge base of concepts, principles, measurements and theories of global health and healthcare based on the notion of “global health crisis”
  • build a critical understanding of the key challenges of the growing global interconnectedness on global human health and healthcare
  • identify and critique the determinants and evidence of global health inequalities and inequities
  • examine the influence and contribution of health systems in improving human health around the world
  • consider complexities in solving global health and healthcare problems found in past and contemporary case-studies and draw implications from them for future research, policy and practice in global health

The module examines the history of housing policy in the UK, focussing in particular on the shift to neo-liberal housing policies from the 1980s. Key contemporary housing issues and the key causes of the current housing crisis in London and the UK are examined.

The module aims to:

  1. Place changes in housing management in the context of wider social, economic and organisational changes;
  2. Introduce the key practical issues facing housing professionals, and good practice in addressing these issues;
  3. Identify ways in which housing service users and community workers can challenge poor performance and get involved in service improvement;
  4. Examine the benefits and challenges of partnership working in dealing with housing issues;
  5. Explain current discussions on the balance of rights and responsibilities for social housing tenants and other local residents.

The course information displayed on this page is correct for the academic year 2023/24. We aim to run the course as advertised however, changes may be necessary due to updates to the curriculum (due to academic or industry developments), student demand or UK compliance reasons.

To study this programme, you will need to meet the following entry requirements:

Academic requirements

  • 112 UCAS points, or
  • At least one A level (or a minimum of 40 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, e.g. BTEC/Subsidiary/National/BTEC Extended Diploma), or
  • A minimum of grades BBC in three A levels (or a minimum of 112 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, e.g. BTEC National or Advanced Diploma)

English language requirements

  • GCSE English at grade C/4 or above (or equivalent)
  • IELTS 6.0 with no component less than 5.5 in each band, or equivalent. Alternatively, applicants can sit the QA Higher Education English test.


Additionally, during the admissions process, you will be asked to attend either an academic or admissions interview.

  • During the admissions interview, we will ask you questions about your choice of programme and will learn more about you.
  • The academic interview provides an opportunity for entry to applicants who do not meet standard entry requirements or have not been in education for a while. During this type of interview, we will assess your knowledge in a specific field.

If you do not meet these entry requirements, we also have a Health and Social Care (including foundation year) BSc (Hons) that offers a more supported route into undergraduate study.

Please note: We are not currently able to sponsor International students to study this programme at London Metropolitan University Centres, therefore if you require sponsorship to study as an International student, this course will be unavailable to you.

If you are an international student interested in this course and would like to discuss alternative options available to you, please contact 020 3944 1243.

UK tuition fees 2024/25

  • £9,250 per annum

Access to a laptop/PC with a microphone, speakers, webcam and a reliable internet connection is required for accessing your live online sessions.

Your tuition fees cover the cost of teaching, access to resources, registration costs, and Student Support Services. They do not include the cost of course books, stationery and photocopying/printing costs, accommodation, living costs, travel, hobbies, sports or other leisure activities.

Additional costs

Access to a laptop/PC required for work on assignments.

Student Finance

If you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student from the UK, you may be able to receive financial support from the Government to help fund your studies.

The Government currently offers two types of loans that cover:

  • Tuition fees (paid directly to the university)
  • Living costs (paid directly to your bank and often called a maintenance loan)


Both loans will need to be repaid after your studies, however generally you won’t have to start paying anything back until the April after you have finished your course once you are employed and earning above a specific amount. For more information on when you’ll start repaying, please refer to your student finance repayment plan.

Any loan remaining for students from England after 40 years will be written off. Other UK countries such as Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have different thresholds around repayment.

How to apply

If you would like to find out more information about Student Finance loans and how to apply, please refer to the following:

Undergraduate loans

Postgraduate loans

Student finance calculator

Health and social care provides career opportunities in a wide range of roles and contexts. Successful completion of the degree offers excellent career opportunities in the NHS, voluntary or independent sectors, for example in social enterprises, charity organisations or housing associations [accreditation by the Chartered Institute of Housing is a considerable advantage in following this option]. Within these contexts, it is possible to focus on a number of areas including quality, commissioning, policy, research, public health and service management.

Careers can also be followed in roles such as health administration, care management, education, community development and social work [social work will require additional qualifications to enable graduates to practice].

By studying a degree in our blended learning model you will enhance your employability by demonstrating you successfully studied in a blended learning environment as part of your degree’s digitally focussed businesses.

You can apply online to study this programme by clicking on the Apply Online button for your chosen location and study mode (daytime or evening & weekend).

As a part of your application, you are required to provide some supporting documents (examples below):

  • Your passport personal details page
  • Copies of previous qualifications, including final certificates and transcripts, translated into English (if not in English)
  • Copy of your Personal Statement (more than 250 words)

Next application deadline: See dates and fees here.

Apply for November 2024

You will be directed to a QA Higher Education portal to set up an account and complete your application.

Location Daytime classes Evening & Weekend classes
Birmingham Apply for November 2024 Not available
London Apply for November 2024 Apply for November 2024
Manchester Apply for November 2024 Not available

Apply for April 2025

You will be directed to a QA Higher Education portal to set up an account and complete your application.

Location Daytime classes Evening & Weekend classes
Birmingham Apply for April 2025 Not available
London Not available Apply for April 2025
Manchester Apply for April 2025 Not available


Information for disabled applicants

At London Metropolitan University we welcome applications from disabled students and are committed to ensuring an equal and accessible application journey. Your application will be considered on an equal basis to all other applications. Please contact us if you require any assistance. This website is continually optimised to adhere to accessibility best practice guidelines; tools to assist users with specific accessibility requirements have also been provided. More information is available in our accessibility statement.

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