We have put together some useful information to help you understand what to expect when you come to study with us.

Take a look through the below or jump to the relevant section:


Email Communications

All enrolment communications will be sent to you via email, to the personal email address you provided on your application form. You won’t receive a London Metropolitan University login until you are fully registered at the university.


The first two weeks of your programme

The first two weeks of the programme are key to a student’s success on the programme and experience has shown QAHE that students that don’t engage fully at the start of their programme often leave early.  This can leave students with SFE-related debts for a little or no return.  This is why QAHE sets the bar high for engagement and involvement. Students failing to demonstrate this level of engagement will be withdrawn from the programme shortly after the first two weeks.

You will only be fully registered with the University at the end of the first two weeks of classes. A review of your attendance and engagement will be conducted and in order to be fully registered and therefore able to continue on the programme you will need to achieve the following:

  • You are expected to attend 100% of your scheduled classes (both live online and face to face).  This includes your induction sessions.
  • Completion of all tasks set for you by your teaching team during induction and the first two weeks of teaching.  These are comprised of an employability questionnaire during the induction period and 10 short tasks during the first two weeks of teaching. Again, failure to complete these tasks is likely to lead to removal from the programme

If you cannot attend any of the sessions, please let us know as soon as possible at QAHE.Attendance@qa.com. Non-attendance may result in withdrawal from the programme.



Once you are fully enrolled at the university, Student Services will provide access to our timetabling system ‘TermTime’.  You will receive an email with instructions to access TermTime within 24 hours of submitting your online enrolment.

TermTime is an online calendar the displays the dates and times of your classes, showing the module name, the classroom number (or virtual joining instructions) and the teacher name.

It’s important to know the dates of the academic year, when you have reading week and when there are semester breaks.

Example new students academic calendar Example progressing students academic calendar


Accessing Online Classes

Accessing your online classes is easy. All online classes take place via the video conference platform WebEx. Each lesson that takes place online, will have a WebEx room number displayed on TermTime.

You will be able to access the classroom via a WebEx meeting link, using the room number on TermTime, with a password provided to you at enrolment.

When joining online classes, you must use your full-name and have your camera and microphone on.


Submitting Assignments

Assignments are submitted via your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called Weblearn. You will be provided with a login once you are registered and after the cooling off period.

Each module has a separate web page, containing all learning materials, module handbooks and assignment briefs. There is also a separate section for assessments, where you can submit your assignments via a link before the deadline. All marked and moderated assignments will also be available to view here.


Helping you PASS

Studying at university is a big commitment, especially if you also have to fit in employment and family into your life. We want you to succeed and achieve the highest mark you can, and we are here to support you. You will have lectures, workshops and tutorials totalling nine to 12 hours per week. You are also expected to complete independent study totalling 28 to 31 hours per week. To ensure you PASS, we expect you to:

  • Participate – engage with what you are learning
  • Attend – ensure you are joining all your learning sessions on campus and online
  • Submit work before the deadline – plan your study time so you’re not rushing to complete work
  • Speak out – don’t wait until it’s too late to speak to your lecturers if you need help or are unsure of anything

In return our commitment to you is to help you achieve your potential and work towards your next goal, whether that’s further study or a new career.

We have put together an example of how you might plan your week, including lectures, independent study, work and free time. Remember this is just a guide, but it’s important to see how much time you need to dedicate to your degree.

Personal time planner example


Freshers Week

Freshers week (also known as Student Welcome or Discovery Week) takes place in the first semester at the beginning of your course.

You can expect to be invited to on-site events, where you are able to meet our student support teams. These include:

  • Welfare
  • Learning Support
  • Mental Health and Well-being
  • Library services
  • The Academic Community of Excellence (ACE)
  • Careers

You will also hear about activities from our student relationships teams, other external organisations as well as being able to meet other students.

Following Freshers Week, our Orientation Week takes place. This is a series of open online sessions available to all, with the opportunity for more informative sessions and Q&A’s.

Throughout your enrolment you will receive a weekly Student Relations newsletter, covering upcoming topics, events and activities. There are also noticeboards on every floor on campus, with details of upcoming events.


Student Discounts

As a student you are eligible to sign up to various student discount platforms, allowing you to get discount across a wide variety of retailers.

  • Totum Card (NUS) – a paid card that is valid for 3 years, find out more here.
  • UniDays – register with your university email address for a range of discounts. Find out more here.
  • Student Beans – register with your university email address to access discounts. Find out more here.


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